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Integrate the Atar Android SDK

The guide below will walk you through the steps to integrate the Atar Android SDK into your app, in order to start showing offers to your users.

Step 1: Create an account and get your App Key

If you haven't already, create an account on the Atar Dashboard. Once you've created an account, you'll be able to create an app and get your App Key from the settings page.

Step 2: Add the Atar Android SDK to your app

The Atar SDK is distributed as an AAR file. You can follow these instructions to add it to your app.

2.1 Download the AAR

Download the Atar Android SDK AAR file from here:

2.2 Add the AAR to your project

Place the Atar SDK in the libs folder of your Android project. If you don’t have a libs folder, create one. It should be placed in the same folder as your src folder like so:


2.3 Add the AAR to your build.gradle

Open your app's build.gradle file and add the following line to the dependencies block:

dependencies {
    implementation files('libs/atar-sdk-1.1.0.aar')

or in other Gradle versions:

dependencies {

Step 3: Initialize the Atar SDK

Initialize the Atar SDK in your Application class's onCreate method.

public void onCreate() {
  Atar.getInstance(this).onCreate("YOUR APP KEY");
  // any other code you have
override fun onCreate() {
  Atar.getInstance(this).onCreate("YOUR APP KEY")
  // any other code you have

Replace YOUR APP KEY with the App Key you got from the Atar Dashboard.

Step 4: Show Offers after the user has completed a transaction

Once you've initialized the Atar SDK, you can show offers to your users. Here's an example of how you can show an interstitial offer after the user has completed a transaction.

OfferRequest request = new OfferRequest(new OfferRequestCallback() {
    public void onPopupShown(boolean success, String error) {
        if (success) {
            Log.i("YourApp", "Popup shown successfully");
        } else {
            Log.e("YourApp", "Error: " + error);
    public void onPopupCanceled() {
        Log.i("YourApp", "Popup was canceled and closed");
    public void onClicked() {
        Log.i("YourApp", "Popup was clicked and closed!");

// Complete the information about the user and transaction

// Required
request.event = "purchase";
request.userId = "userId1234";
request.referenceId = "12345"; // this is some unique reference ID for the transaction

// Recommended = ""; = "1234567890";

request.gender = "M";
request.dob = "YYYYMMDD";
request.address1 = "123 Example St";
request.address2 = "Suite 123"; = "City";
request.state = "State"; = "12345"; = "Country";
request.amount = 29.98;

val request = OfferRequest(object : OfferRequestCallback {
    override fun onPopupShown(success: Boolean, error: String?) {
        if (success) {
            Log.i("YourApp", "Popup shown successfully")
        } else {
            Log.e("YourApp", "Error: " + error?.message)
    override fun onCanceled() {
        Log.i("YourApp", "Popup was canceled and closed")
    override fun onClicked() {
        Log.i("YourApp", "Popup was clicked and closed!")

// Complete the information about the user and transaction

// Required
request.event = "purchase";
request.userId = "userId1234";
request.referenceId = "12345"; // this is some unique reference ID for the transaction

// Recommended = ""; = "1234567890";

request.gender = "M";
request.dob = "YYYYMMDD";
request.address1 = "123 Example St";
request.address2 = "Suite 123"; = "City";
request.state = "State"; = "12345"; = "Country";
request.amount = 29.98;


Replace the values in the OfferRequest object with the appropriate values for your user and transaction. Below you can find the full documented list of fields you can use in the OfferRequest object.

Note that the callback is optional and purely in case you would like to tie any additional functionality to the presentation of the offer.

Offer Request Object Fields

Req. Field name Description Data type
Req event User event that preceded the offers string
Req referenceId Some ID for reference for deduplication. string
Req userId Some ID for the user. string
Rec email User email. string
Rec phone User phone number. string
Rec gender User gender: M/F string
Rec dob Date of birth, YYYYMMDD string
Rec firstName User first name string
Rec lastName User last name string
Opt amount Transaction amount string
Opt quantity Quantity of items purchased int
Opt paymentType credit, PayPal, or other string
Opt address1 Street address line 1 string
Opt address2 Street address line 2 string
Opt city City string
Opt state State string
Opt country Country string

Step 5: Trigger offer notifications on user action

You can also trigger offer notifications on user actions. Here's an example of how you can trigger an offer notification.

OfferRequest request = new OfferRequest(new OfferRequestCallback() {
    public void onNotifScheduled(boolean success, String error) {
        if (success) {
            Log.i("YourApp", "Popup shown successfully");
        } else {
            Log.e("YourApp", "Error: " + error);
    public void onClicked() {
        Log.i("YourApp", "Popup was clicked and closed!");
request.event = "level_completed";
request.referenceId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
request.userId = "userId1234";

val request = OfferRequest(object : OfferRequestCallback {
    override fun onNotifScheduled(success: Boolean, error: String?) {
        if (success) {
            Log.i("YourApp", "Popup shown successfully")
        } else {
            Log.e("YourApp", "Error: " + error?)
    override fun onClicked() {
        Log.i("YourApp", "Popup was clicked and closed!")

request.event = "level_completed"
request.referenceId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
request.userId = "userId1234"


Customize the prefix for the push message

You can customize the prefix for the push message by passing your custom string to the triggerOffer method as shown below:

Atar.getInstance().triggerOfferNotification(request, "You're awesome!");
Atar.getInstance().triggerOfferNotification(request, "You're awesome!")

Step 6: Enable or disable the post session notification

You have full control over whether post session notifications are enabled or disabled. By default, post session notifications are disabled, so you would have to have previously enabled it.

Disable post session notifications globally

You can head to the dashboard settings and disable post session notifications globally. This will disable post session notifications for all users.

Disable post session notifications for a specific user

To disable for a specific user, you can use the following method in the SDK whenever. This is persisted in user defaults and will be remembered for the user.


Need help?

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at